New York Bar Exam Information Center | AmeriBar

[callout title=”New York Bar Exam Taker? – AmeriBar can help you pass” button=”Enroll Now” link=”” buttoncolor=”alternative-1″ target=”_blank” buttonmargin=”4px 0 0 0;”]It’s a bar exam preparation program that is personal, focused, affordable, and effective.  It’s true – you really can LOVE your bar review. [/callout]
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[one_half_last][separator headline=”h3″ title=”Why Choose AmeriBar?”][accordion open=”1″]
[accordion-item title=”Complete Course starting at only $995″ icon=”music”]For a limited time, enroll in our Complete New York Bar Review Course for only $995. That’s over a $2500 savings from the competitor’s cost. Use the extra money you save on better things. AmeriBar student Bryan C. spent his savings on a trip to Australia.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Focused Outlines and Lectures” icon=”star”]AmeriBar constantly monitors New York bar exams for testing trends and heavily tested issues. Our outlines use a unique starring system to highlight these important testable points of law so that you can spend your study time more efficiently.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”High Customer Satisfaction”]Over 95% of AmeriBar students who responded to our survey indicated that they would recommend AmeriBar to a friend. [/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Study Anywhere – Anytime”]As an AmeriBar student, you won’t have to sit in traffic to get to a crowded lecture hall to watch a video. Study at any time, in any location. Past students spent their summers studying in the Florida Keys, on trips to South America, or one of dozens of other peaceful locations where they could focus on preparing for the exam. [/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”We Know Why Students Pass”]We have been tutoring repeat bar exam takers for over a decade. In fact, most of our tutoring students come to us after having failed the bar exam with another review course. We know what students do wrong, and what they can do to improve their chances of passing the bar exam, and we will share that with you in our studying and essay writing strategies lectures[/accordion-item]
[separator headline=”h3 title=”Bar Exam Experience”]

[button link=”” size=”medium target=”_self” icon=”cog” color=”alternative-1″ lightbox=”false”]First Timer[/button]

[button link=”” size=”medium target=”_self” icon=”cog” color=”alternative-1″ lightbox=”false”]Repeat Taker[/button]

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[one_third][testimonial author=”Jody S., Texas Tech”]I have taken another review course that was an in-class setting and also a self-review course from a different company and I believe AmeriBar’s was the most efficient. They hit the most important information. They set it up to where it was very easy to understand. They give you all the tools that you need to use to study the most efficient way you could possibly study. I think that’s where they outshine the rest of the companies, not to mention the affordability.[/testimonial][/one_third]
[one_third][testimonial author=”Curtis M., John Marshall”]Because I work more than 40 hours a week and have a wife and two small children, I knew that needed the best of the best. I didn’t have time to waste. I didn’t want to spend my time on endless outlines and irrelevant information. AmeriBar had precisely what I was looking for. [/testimonial][/one_third]
[one_third_last][testimonial author=”Evan B., University of Baltimore”]What really impressed me about AmeriBar was just everything they gave you. It’s a very good package for the money. All of the outlines were incredible. They had this star system that let you know what was important to study. So while you had to study everything, this system emphasized what was tested most often on the bar exam. I found that to be very helpful. [/testimonial][/one_third_last]