New York Bar Exam Registration Deadline

The New York bar exam registration deadline is the last day that you can submit your New York bar exam application.  If you do not meet the application deadline, you will not be permitted to take the New York bar exam.  According to past practice, the deadline to submit your New York bar exam application is almost always:

  • November 30 for the subsequent February exam; or
  • April 30 for the subsequent July exam.

Contact the examiners for the exact deadline for each exam as the deadline is subject to change. 

New York Bar Exam Late Registration

If you do not file an application by the deadline, then you cannot take the New York bar exam because late filing is not allowed.

Filing Deadline after Notification (Re-Applicant)

If you fail the New York bar exam, and want to take the exam on its next administration, then the deadline for reapplication is the later of: 1) the then-applicable filing date deadline; or 2) 14 days from the date of release of the New York bar exam results.