New York Bar Exam Tutoring Program
So you failed the New York bar exam?
It’s not the end of the world. Thousands of lawyers-to-be failed the New York bar exam. In fact, in the last ten years, over 40,000 people failed the New York bar exam! You read that correctly.
What are your options? You could give up your dream of passing the bar exam… but why would you do that? You went to law school for a reason, so that is not an option. Instead, you need to regroup and do something differently for your next attempt at passing the New York bar exam. The next time you drive in to the city (or Albany, Buffalo, etc), to take the exam, you will make sure that it will be your one last time!
Instant New York Bar Exam Tutor Cost and Details
You need a New York bar exam tutor.
How can you make next time the last time? You will get a New York bar exam tutor, but not just any New York bar exam tutor. There are hundreds of broke (and bad) lawyers signing up to tutor for online tutoring websites. You can’t afford to waste your time with someone who isn’t a New York bar exam expert. You need the best New York bar exam tutor. Luckily, you have found the home of the best New York bar exam tutors available anywhere. Plus, you can throw your old worthless bar review books away! They didn’t work before so why will that change? We will give you a free New York bar exam course when you enroll in tutoring.
New York bar exam tutoring program.
With almost 20 years of experience tutoring students for the New York bar exam, our tutors (and organized tutoring program), give you the best chance of passing.
What to expect from our New York bar exam tutoring program?
- Custom tutoring packages with experienced New York bar exam tutors – some have tutored over 500 students!
- One on one coaching showing you what you are doing wrong by providing individualized feedback on your work-product – no mass market bar review here!
- Strategy workshops for the MBE, essays, and MPT. Learn what the examiners are looking for, and how to give it to them.
- On-demand lecture library (over 80 hours) that will teach you the law you need to know to pass the New York bar exam.
- Complete New York bar exam course free with every tutoring enrollment (outlines, questions, answers, and lectures).
Studying smarter, not harder is our mantra, and we think you’ll agree once you learn more of what our New York Bar Exam Tutoring program has to offer.
S.3 B.E.S.T. New York Bar Exam Tutoring Method
Work with one of the best New York bar exam tutors available. The S3 B.E.S.T. Method has helped repeat and at-risk takers pass the New York bar exam for almost 20 years.
Why Does it Work?
The S3 Method focuses on what a repeat or at-risk taker needs in order to improve performance. It doesn’t matter how many prior times you’ve taken the bar exam. Work with an S3 Method New York bar exam tutor and increase your chance of passing the exam.